Leibniz Innovation Farm for Sustainable Bioeconomy

haas cook zemmrich STUDIO2050

Leibniz Innovation Farm for Sustainable Bioeconomy


Leibniz Innovation Farm for Sustainable Bioeconomy



We consider diversity to be an essential prerequisite for a circular bioeconomy.

In both natural and economic systems, diversity promotes flexibility, adaptation, optimisation of functions and resilience. This is because a variety of products, processes, actors and co-operations can close cycles if the output of one process or actor becomes the input of another process/actor. 

For a circular bioeconomy, we also consider cross-sector diversification to be particularly necessary.
What we are planning:

  • We are expanding the range of crops and livestock.
  • We are testing new cultivation systems.
  • We are increasing diversity by developing new processes and products.
  • We are protecting biodiversity.