Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Tierzucht und Tierhaltung (LVAT)
in Groß Kreutz/Ruhlsdorf
The Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Tierzucht und Tierhaltung e.V. (LVAT) in Groß Kreutz/Ruhlsdorf is an the agricultural co-operation partner of the InnoHof and contributes the practical level and perspective to the project.
LVAT manages around 600 ha of arable land and 330 ha of grassland, including areas with nature conservation restrictions, fenland sites and 14 ha of landscape elements. The majority of the land is owned by the state, which also allows for longer-term studies. The arable land figures (18-50) represent conditions in Brandenburg. Comprehensive information is available on numerous soil parameters at a resolution of 2 x 2 m (texture, KA5 soil type, VDLUFA soil group, mean particle diameter, humus content, pH, liming requirement, AWC, pWP, particle density, dry bulk density, pore volume, matrix volume).
As a farm focussing on animal breeding and husbandry, LVAT keeps various animals, including dairy and suckler cows, fattening bulls, pigs (at the Ruhlsdorf site), sheep (German Blackhead and Merino meat sheep) and Boer goats. Crop and feed production is characterised by crops typical of the region, such as rye, triticale, silage maize and field grass with alfalfa.
The farm is open to innovation, already has long-standing collaborations with research institutions and is experienced in carrying out on-farm projects.
Knowledge transfer, such as demonstration events for farms and other stakeholders as well as the public, and practical training are also part of LVAT's repertoire.