Leibniz Innovation Farm for Sustainable Bioeconomy

haas cook zemmrich STUDIO2050

Leibniz Innovation Farm for Sustainable Bioeconomy


Leibniz Innovation Farm for Sustainable Bioeconomy



Dr. Hansen, Anja

Coordination Leibniz Innovation Farm

Department: CI Leibniz Innovation Farm

Email: ahansen@spam.atb-potsdam.de

Anja Hansen

Project Lead

Dr. rer.agr. Hoffmann, Thomas

Head of the department System Process Engineering

Department: System Process Engineering

Email: THoffmann@spam.atb-potsdam.de

Thomas Hoffmann

Strategic and networking

Prof. Dr. agr. habil. Sturm, Barbara

Scientific Director, Chair of the Board

Department: Executive Board

Email: director@spam.atb-potsdam.de

Barbara Sturm


Experimental technology in plant production


Anderson, James Michael

Head of the Central IT and Research Data Management Infrastructure

Department: CI Central IT and Research Data Management

Email: JAnderson@spam.atb-potsdam.de

James Anderson

Measurement technology and sensors